
De Identity Wallet, geen reden voor koudwatervrees

Dit is een reactie op: https://www.nu.nl/tech/6204382/kabinet-en-tweede-kamer-hebben-bezwaren-tegen-europese-digitale-identiteit.html De Europese Unie wil ons allemaal aan de Identity Wallet. Een digitale portemonnee waarin digitaal ruimte is voor het digitale rijbewijs, digitale bibliotheekpas, of wat anders digitaal dat je gewoonlijk in je fysieke portemonnee bewaart. Er is nogal wat scepsis over deze Europese ambitie. Hieronder zet ik uiteen waarom …

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The importance of digital certificates to protect cloud-based platforms

Huge numbers of large and small organisations are moving away from traditional, on-premise IT environments to cloud-based platforms. This move creates many new opportunities to improve business efficiency and effectiveness, but also introduces security threats such as data breaches, unauthorised access and complicated identity management. Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash What is the trend? …

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YouTube Episode 3: Quantum Key Distribution

After the second video, where Phil Zimmermann explained the concept of ‘Secure Enclaves’ and how we can use them in our organisations, he now returns to the topic of Quantum Cryptography. In this third episode below he talks you through the advantages and disadvantages of ‘Quantum Key Distribution’. https://youtu.be/DpU9uQWgE2s Around the world, governments, businesses and …

Continue reading YouTube Episode 3: Quantum Key Distribution


How does digital authentication work? And how can you implement it securely in your organisation?

In times of digital transformation, new innovations follow each other at lightning speed.For years, we saw improvement upon improvement in computers and components, and everything had to be faster and newer.More recently, attention has shifted to which technical components can contribute to a better overall solution to increase digital resilience. And authentication plays a crucial …

Continue reading How does digital authentication work? And how can you implement it securely in your organisation?


Youtube Episode 2: Secure Enclaves

After the launch of our AET Youtube channel and the upload of our first episode about Post-Quantum Algorithms, we now launch the second episode of AET Security topics.In this second video, Phil Zimmermann explains the concept of ‘Secure Enclaves’ and how we can use them in our business.  In the episode below he talks you …

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